End of season report
2025 Races
10th May Ralph Herring Trophy Mersea to Burnham RBYC 11th May Pattinson Cup Burnham to Mersea WMYC 30th May North Sea Race Harwich to Scheveningen RORC 26th June East Coast Race Harwich to Ostend RORC & HPYC 28th June Cannonball Ostend to Ramsgate EAORA & MYC 29th June Walker Challenge Cup Ramsgate to Harwich EAORA & MYC 19th July Sunk Race Mersea to Ramsgate WMYC 20th July Round the...

Robbie Stewart
It is with great regret that “Offshore One” announces the passing of Robbie Stewart. Robbie started sailing EAORA / RORC races in the 70’s on a variety of boats, before building a succession of his own yachts that had...
RORC East Coast Race
East Coast IRC championships
The championships are being held in 2024 at West Mersea as part of 50th anniversary of Mersea Week. August 18th to 23rd - See also poster on EAORA web site. The event consists of round the cans races a mixture of long and...

Chuffy Merewether
EAORA has been deeply saddened by the untimely death of Chuffy Merewether, one of the organisation’s most long-standing and active supporters. Chuffy was christened Anita Meryl Green, but her nickname apparently dated from before she was born and stuck for life.
EAORA Week 2022
Updated Rorc Keel inspection information Cut and past the above link into your internet browser.
Dates for 2022
30th April - Pattinson Cup Burnham to Mersea 1st May – Ralph Herring Mersea to Burnham 27th May – RORC North Sea race Harwich to Scheveningen 11th June – Janes Cup Burnham to Medway 12th June – Thames Estuary shield Medway to Burnham 9th July...
Structural Inspection for 2022
Offshore Special Regulations – FAQ 3.02 Structural Inspection and Appendix L 1 OSR 3.02 Structural Inspection and Appendix L Frequently Asked Questions What are the checks designed to do? Keels have been breaking off yachts for many years. The yacht types losing keels...
2021 End of Season Report
2021 has been a challenging year for offshore racing, due to Covid restrictions, and the East Anglian Offshore Racing Association season faced additional challenges from the weather. A reduced, eight-race programme was devised, to comply with all the Covid rules, but...
Buckley Goblets remains in the WMYC
Team Golden Fleece has had a brilliant finish to the season with an overal win in The Buckley Goblets, They finished with a generous margin over the other competing boats, they also won class III the Lawson Trophy being the...
Pam Yates
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Pam Yates, who with her late husband Malcolm was a huge supporter of EAORA, notably on their Contessa 32 Fresh Herring and with Jock Smith on Tumblehome II Pam, who...
Revised Offshore Regatta is on
Four days of offshore racing – Thursday July 8 to Sunday July 11, 2021 Sadly, the postponement of lifting Covid restrictions, from June 19 to July 19, forced the cancellation of EAORA’s eagerly-anticipated Offshore Regatta. However, several boats had already...
Offshore Regatta 2021
The extension of the Covid restrictions, due to be lifted on June 19, to July 19, has unfortunately made it impossible to run the EAORA Offshore Regatta, due to be held from Thursday July 8 to Sunday July 11, in...
Fastnet Quailifier
To confirm, for the purposes of the 2021 Rolex Fastnet Race would welcome EAORA Races being used for qualification mileage. Although having hoped to run a relatively normal season we now believe we won't return to full offshore racing until...

New 2021 programme
5th June RORC East Coast race Harwich to Harwich 8th July Pattinson Cup Harwich to Mersea (Offshore Regatta) 9th July Janes Cup Mersea to Medway (Offshore Regatta) 10th July Ralph Herring Medway to Burnham (Offshore regatta) 11th July Walker Challenge Cup Burnham...
Alan Bartlett age 94
We are saddened by the news that Alan Bartlett has passed away at the age of 94. Alan was a stalwart supporter of EAORA and the Crouch Yacht Club. He was a Fastnet veteran, experiencing the tragic race of 1979,...
8th May Pattinson Cup 9th May Ralph Herring 14th May North Sea race RORC Fastnet qualifier 4th June East Coast Race RORC Fastnet qualifier 19th June Janes Cup 20th June Thames Estuary 8th July Offshore regatta (9th July layday in...

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