Often Asked Questions - How do I get involved in EAORA?

Updated for 2023

What is EAORA? – The East Anglian Offshore Racing Association is an association of mainly East Anglian and Kent Sailing Clubs formed in 1949 to co-ordinate offshore racing on the East Coast. 

What does EAORA do? – On behalf of East Coast Yacht Clubs, EAORA manages an annual programme of offshore races.  Most individual races are organised by the member clubs who award trophies and prizes.  EAORA presents trophies and prizes for the overall season and EAORA Week or the EAORA Offshore Regatta. 

What is the EAORA programme? – In 2025 it is a series of 12 races for the overall EAORA championship and Inter-Club competition. The Inter-Club Trophy is awarded to the lowest scoring Club where points have been counted from the best two boats in each club in every race. 

What is EAORA Week? This can form part of the EAORA programme, typically in non-Fastnet years, comprising a week of racing on the continent in a fun and competitive mini-regatta.  EAORA Week can include events which count for points towards the overall series. 

What is the EAORA Offshore Regatta? This is part of the 2025 EAORA programme and comprises three Offshore Races which will count for points towards the overall series. Competitors can opt to enter all three races of the Regatta or just one or two races. See the relevant Notice of Races for the Regatta and the individual races. The EAORA Offshore Regatta is typically run in Fastnet years to allow competitors to accumulate qualifying milage.  

How do I enter an EAORA event? By using the on-line entry system on the EAORA web site; this will electronically transfer your entry to the relevant Organising Authority. However, you must still forward the correct Entry Fee to the Organising Authority using the details given in the relevant Notice of Race Part 2. Alternatively, an EAORA Entry Form can be downloaded and printed from the website. The completed form with entry fees payable to the Organising Authority, as detailed in the relevant Notice of Race Part 2, must be received on or before the closing date. (EXCEPTIONS - North Sea Race – enter via RORC website, Round the Goodwins – enter via Ramsgate Week website, Houghton Cup – enter via Burnham Week website.) 

What is the Race Entry Fee? – Entry Fees vary for each race based on the nature of the event. The fee for each race can be found in the Notice of Race Part 2. There are separate entry fees for the Offshore Regatta and EAORA/RORC events, see the specific Notice of Race Part 2. 

Where do I get instructions for the events? Clicking on the “Handbook” tab at the top of the home page of the EAORA website will give you a drop-down menu showing: Constitution, FAQs, Notice of Race Part 1 and World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) and check lists. The opening page of the site shows the race programme.  The Notice of Race Part 2, giving the details relevant to each race, can be accessed from “Get full details”. EAORA Sailing Instructions will be sent to you by the Organising Authority at least three days before each race entered, along with an entry list. EAORA Chief Race Officer Andy Wise (07967 670995) can advise on the contents if required. 

Does my Yacht qualify to race in EAORA Events? All yachts must have a current IRC or MOCRA certificate. This can be assessed by self-measurement by the owner. The IRC 2025 Handbook containing a full guide and relevant application forms is available free from the RORC Rating Office at Seahorse Building, Bath Road, Lymington, Hants SO41 9SE (Tel: 01590 677030. e-mail: info@rorcrating.com)

Does my Yacht meet the safety requirements? EAORA events can be arduous. Therefore your yacht must be seaworthy and comply with the relevant World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) safety category and with the IRC Safety and Stability Indices (SSI) - Base Minimum SSS of 15 or STIX of 23 for every race. A yacht’s SSS or STIX is stated on its IRC certificate issued by the RORC Rating Office. The higher the value, the more seaworthy a boat is perceived to be by the system. Full details about these stability measurements can be found in the IRC Yearbook. The OSR category for each race is indicated in the Notice of Race. 

How do I know if I meet the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations? All yachts are required to have their inventory of safety gear checked by the person in charge of the yacht using the appropriate OSR checklist for the category of racing they intend to compete in.  OSR Checklists are available on the World Sailing website with links from the EAORA website. If you intend participating in any of the EAORA races you must self-check using the 2025 checklist. The completed and signed checklist must be kept on board the yacht and a copy, along with a copy of your current rating certificate, must be sent to the EAORA Chief Race Officer before the start of the first race for which the yacht is entered. 

Be aware that your yacht may be subject to an inspection and may be subject to protest by the Race Committee should it be found not to comply with the safety regulations. 

How many crew can I take? The crew should consist of an adequate number of experienced people who are physically fit to be able to face bad weather. Notice of Race Part 1 limits this to a maximum of the crew number on the IRC certificate. 

What Insurance do I need? You should check that you have adequate racing risk cover with a minimum third party cover of £3,000,000. You must inform your Insurance Company if you intend to race offshore and also in the coastal and inland waterways of Europe. 

Can I race without belonging to a member club? Yes, you can compete in individual races but EAORA is an association of Clubs and therefore has no individual members. Yachts must race for a member club to participate in the season’s points championship. A list of the member clubs is published on the EAORA website. Entries for individual races will be accepted by each of the Organising Authorities provided that your club is affiliated to the RYA. 

I have more questions? A full list of the EAORA committee, with representatives covering most areas on the East Coast, can be found on the website (www.eaora.org.uk) under the ‘contact’ tab. Please do contact any of them with any queries you may have. 



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